Friday, December 9, 2011

Post-Surgery Week 2

So, I'm a little behind. Two weeks after surgery was Wednesday but who's counting. Well, I'm feeling much better now. Saturday was a scary day. Woke up with a fever. Felt terrible. Went to urgent care and then the ER. My white blood cell count was 22.0. It's supposed to be 10. It was only 14 when I has swine flu a couple of years ago o yeah, I was freaking out. I just knew I had an abcess or a leak from my surgery and that I was dying. I dont usually freak out like that but I was so sick and in so much pain...I just couldn't get a grip. I had a CT scan of my abdomen as soon as I got to the ER. My stomach looked great but there was fluid in my lower left lung. Evident ally I has aspirated when I got sick to my stomach and ad gotten pneumonia. They did a chest x-ray and admitted me ight away. I have never been so happy to have pneumonia. I have a bad case of it but THANK GOD I didn't have to be opened up to have surgery. So, when I realized I wasn't dying :-) I felt better. A big thanks to Allison Ingram & Lindsey Cox for helping me with the kiddo. I don't know what I would have one without you guys. I was a bit shocked when they put me on the 7th floor and hooked me up to oxygen and a heart monitor. Evident ally my heart was bein silly as was my oxygen levels. I finally got to move to the 6th floor Monday night. I didn't have to be monitored anymore and a lot of the nurses recognized me from when I had my surgery. I got quite a few hugs and well wishes when I left. It was very difficult being in the hospital a week and a half after surgery. Pneumonia exhausts you. I'm not used to "resting" either. I'm sure I want be myself for a couple of weeks. I think I'm just gonna rest and take it easy the rest of December. Enjoy my family. Enjoy my friends. Concentrate on getting better.

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