Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Out to eat.

I had the most amazing experience tonight. We decided to go out to eat not quite one week after gastric bypass surgery. Hannah wanted Ruby Tuesdays so we went there. I was kinda nervous about going because I had no idea what I would do besides sip Gatorade. When we got there they sat us in a booth. Now, I know I have only lost 21 pounds but most of it has been in my stomach and face. I slid into the booth and I was amazed. My stomach didn't touch the table and I had tons of extra room! Michael sat beside me and we were comfy. I was very unsure what to do when it came time to order. Luckily my doctor had just given me a card to use in restraunts that explains I had Bariatric Surgery and I can't eat as much to please let me order smaller portions. The only thing I was able to order was a cup of chicken noodle soup. Guys, it was amazing. I only was able to eat about 4 or 5 teaspoons. I ate two saltines...and I was full. That is when it hit me. I CAN really do this! I just have to make good choices and realize when I'm full. I will never eat a whole meal again...but that's ok. That means Michael & I can share. We spent so much more time talking tonight. Our focus was not on the food but each other. It was a nice family meal. I can honestly say I was starting to get pretty bummed because I felt left out while other people were eating. I thought it was the food I was missing, but it wasn't. It was the sharing, the conversation, you know...all the good stuff that goes along when you eat as a family. So, once again my spirits are lifted. Thanks to Sam I Am for all the encouragement before I actually walked in the restraunt. Yesterday I got my soaked out. It was no big deal. I didnt feel a thing. They said I was doing amazing! I admit today everything caught up with me and I was exhausted. I took a 3-4 hour nap & can't keep my eyes open now. I forgot to post this...obviously I was sleepy.

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