Friday, January 27, 2012


Today has just been one of those days. My kiddo is sick. The whole family is. It's been a rough day!
Yesterday I went shopping at Carolina Thrift. I got a pair of jeans to "grow into.". They fit!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Can't Sleep...I'm counting sheep...

So anyways...I can't sleep. I have no idea why. I get kind of crazy at night. I got this advertisement in the mail about home school stuff. I'm not really into buying a bunch of stuff, but this school year has been so amazingly fast and I have felt like I was behind...b/c I didn't stick to my original plan, etc... I didn't buy a "boxed" curriculum. I didn't really know what to do so I bought a Learn at Home series book. Added math to it...and omg, it has been SO much work. Then I started doing unit studies which I LOVE by the way. It is so much easier. That other stuff is just like school but at home and Hannah and I were starting to hate it. I got this magazine for curriculum in the mail the other day. It's for kids that are gifted and like a hands on approach etc. Right up Hannah's alley. Lots of literature. Lots of reading. Writing or typing whichever you prefer. No workbooks, etc. Do you have any idea how cluttered your house gets when you are continually buying stuff for school? Your house ends up looking like a classroom exploded, etc. So, I see this in the magazine and I went online and looked it up. It wasn't cheap but you can make payments every month. ;-) ...and I started adding it up and I spend so much money on paper, notebooks, books, I even need to go on and this has everything for me. I will still have to plan and everything but it's all right there. I will have to supplement math but guess what...I already have math for her and if she gets done with it I will just find something else. So, I am really excited. Looking forward to not stressing so much and Hannah not stressing so much. I guess that makes us officially unschoolers. This weekend I realized...I can teach her what I want. I don't have to listen to what a book tells me. I can skip around. She can learn about what interests her. I realized...she was BORED!!! So, I'm going to finish out the year with what I have so far. Trying to stick to standard course of study...but does it really matter as long as she learns everything? No, it doesn't. It's ok if I don't do science or social studies one week and then I do a whole unit study on it. It's only taken me 7 months to realize that...heck longer really. It's like a great weight has been lifted off me and NO I am NOT talking about the 40lbs I recently lost. Told ya I get crazy at night... We have not had time for her to do her Duke TIP stuff. So, I'm making time for that. She takes the EXPLORE test next month. I'm curious to see how she does. We home school all year long so I'm confident all this will work out. I am just gonna do things at our pace. Some things go faster than others and the whole reason I am home schooling is b/c I didn't want her to go to school here. So, why am I trying to pretend we are doing "school" when we are learning. I'm going to teach HER. Not math, not science, not social studies. I just realized this weekend that is what I am SUPPOSED to do. I know no one ever reads this I guess that is why I can be so open and honest and just rant and ramble like I am doing now. I'm actually an honest and open person anyways...but I wouldn't just go on and on about things to anybody. This chick is going to bed. I am done counting sheep and I can feel my eyelids closing.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I had this really long post typed up and I almost posted it then I thought why bother. lol. What people think of me doesn't change who I am... and right now I'm pretty busy shaping my child into the woman she will be one day.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Had to share!!!

I am six weeks post SGB and tonight I ate half a cheeseburger from McDonalds!!! I didn't get sick. Not exactly something I'm proud of...but I'm so glad I can eat one every now and then. I feel so normal...not left out etc. I don't think I will eat fast food again anytime soon. It didn't taste that good and wasn't worth the fat & calories...but it was cheap and got rid of my cravings! There is hope that one day I will be able to try different things!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012

Yesterday was a fantabulous day! I am getting my energy back. Starting to feel really really good. Yesterday was also the first day I was able to eat "real" food for almost all day and not get sick! Hello Stage Three!!! I bought a roasted chicken from Walmart, cooked some zuchinni, and added in some frozen mixed veggies. Steamed the you know what out of them. It was GREAT. I ate a yogurt protein shake. Vanilla & Peach. Ate a couple of slices of peaches... It was a good day. Homeschooling went well for the most part. Hannah is doing really well in school. Sometimes it is hard to keep her focused & interested but we're getting there. I weighed myself this morning. I'm down 1.4 lbs from yesterday! Now off to wake the kiddo, do school, go workout, wash clothes, etc, etc, etc...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm such a slacker

I am such a slacker. I had intended to blog way more often than I do. I either forget the password, remember late at night, or just have a hard time putting everything into words.

Well, I had my one month check up after SGB two days ago. I'm doing awesome. I have recovered from having pneumonia and while I'm kinda tired most days I'm chugging along. I have lost 35-40lbs. Depending on the day, what I'm wearing, and what scale I'm on. I'm pretty excited about that! Most people loose 100lbs the first year. Usually within 6 months. Can u see me at the end of May 100 lbs lighter. !!! It's so exciting to think about.

I have been working out almost every day. Either at Planet Fitness or at home. I really like the Just Dance for we have 1,2,3 & Michael Jackson. Today I'm more sore than I have ever been and I cleaned all day.

My diabetes is gone. My sugars are running always around 110. I'm no longer taking my heart meds, my blood pressure meds, my asthma meds, and I have cut back on my fibro meds. I feel fantastic & already consider surgery to be successful for me. It's totally worth it & I would do it again. I have no regrets.

I will tell you eating has not been easy. Grocery shopping is such a chore. Who new becoming lactaid intolerance would affect so many things and become a pain. I need ideas for what to cook!!!